  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Impact Route of Mother's Factor on the Possibility of Rape Behavior




Purpose: Rape behavior is broadly studied within the recent twenty years in Taiwan and United States due to the high concern of society on this behavior, however, the perspective of mother's impact on rape behavior has not been broadly investigated by researchers. Rape is the behavior that male sexually aggresses female, and mother is usually the first female that male contacts, so mother's impact on male's impression of women is especially important. Based on the above analyses the present study addresses the impact of mother's factor on rape behavior. With the theoretical framework of attachment theory and hostility displacement hypothesis, we develop the pathways of how mother's factor influences the possibility of rape and attempt to testify the model. Methods: Three mother variables involving mother-son relationship, mother's conduct, mother's over domination are used to measure subjects' relationship with mother, which we hypothesize will lead to the perception of mother. The negative perception of mother will lead to negative impression of woman through the processes of hostility displacement. Hostility toward women leads to the increased probability of rape behavior. The present study develops pathway model of mother's influence on rape possibility according to above reasoning. We used 371 male juvenile delinquents and 964 male adult inmates as subjects to examine the pathway model respectively. The Guttman split-half coefficient for each measurement tools ranges from .76 to .91 with content validity. Results: The present study investigates mother's impact on rape possibility with male juvenile delinquents and male adult inmates to examine the model respectively. The results indicate that there are similarity and difference for male juvenile and adult subjects. Addressing the similar part, the three mother variables all present significant impact on subjects' impression toward women. Addressing the different part, there is no significant direct effect with detached mother-son relationship, mother's misconduct, and mother's over domination on rape possibility for male juvenile delinquents, all the three mother variables have to go through ”mother's impact on the impression of women” to influence the possibility of rape; however, there is significant direct effect with mother variables on rape possibility for adult male inmates without the necessity to go through ”mother's impact on the impression of women”. Conclusions: The probable explanations for the research findings and the limitations of the results are discussed. The limitations of the findings include whether the results could be generalized to normal individual from our criminal subjects, and the results should be limited to the premise of ”rape intention on the circumstance of no risk” because we measure rape possibility or rape intention rather than rape behavior.


余民寧(2006)。潛在變項模式: SIMPLIS 的應用。台北:高等教育文化。


