  • 期刊


Factors Associated with the Use of Complementary Medicine in Emergency Department Physicians in Taiwan




Previous studies showed that complementary medicine was viewed positively by European and North American physicians. However, few studies have reported the factors associated with the use of complementary medicine in emergency department physicians in Taiwan. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the use of complementary medicine among emergency department physicians who attended the 2011 annual meeting of the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine. A cross-sectional survey was used. Information on participants' basic characteristics, lifestyle, perceived health status, and use of complementary medicine was ascertained by questionnaires. Of the 198 participants (mean age 41.4 years), 179 were males (90.4%) and 154 (77.8%) had used complementary medicine in the past month. Univariate logistic regression analysis showed that living with child(ren), having religious beliefs, and the use of energy drinks were significantly associated with the use of complementary medicine. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that shift work, living with child(ren), and the use of energy drinks were significant and independent factors associated with the use of complementary medicine. Listening to music (50.8%), massage/tuina (36.7%) and consumption of health foods (29.6%) were the top three complementary medicine modalities used by emergency department physicians. Gender, marital status, and living with child(ren) were associated with listening to music. Perceived health status was associated with massage/tuina. Marital status, religious beliefs, and perceived health status were associated with the use of health foods. Overall, the present study revealed that complementary medicine, in particular, listening to music, massage/tuina, and consumption of health foods, was well accepted by emergency department physicians in Taiwan. Future studies may evaluate whether providing music in the working areas or providing massage facilities in resting areas can help reduce the stress levels of emergency department physicians.


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