  • 學位論文


Studies on the preparation and properties of the conjugated polymer/carbon nanotube complex

指導教授 : 廖建勛




A facile non-covalent modification of carbon nanotube was processed with conjugated polymers to improve the dispersion of carbon nanotube in organic solutions and to reserve its characteristic structure and properties. Two types of conjugated polymers were used, including poly(3-alkylthiophene)s (P3AT) with various alkyl side-chains and triblock copolymer of poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) (PCMS-PFO-PCMS), to modify multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWNT). Three parts of research were performed for (1) the effect of alkyl side-chain length on the structure/properties of P3AT/MWNT complex; (2) the properties of PCMS-PFO-PCMS/MWNT complex and (3) the properties of functionalized PCMS-PFO-PCMS/MWNT complex. The results of UV-vis, PL and Raman spectra indicate that the conjugated polymers wrap on the carbon nanotubes by ?-? interaction. More conjugated polymer chains binding on the MWNT, more solution dispersion and PL quenching is attained. The increasing temperature results in the blue-shift of absorption maximum wavelength of conjugated polymers and the ? phase depression of PFO block chain segments. As the poor solvent portion increases, the absorption maximum wavelength red shifts and ? phase of PFO appears. The FESEM and TEM images reveal that the thickness of polymer wrapping on the MWNT increases with increasing side-chain length of P3ATs.


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