  • 期刊


Review: Hendra Virus and Nipah Virus Infection


亨德拉病憲及立百病毒皆為新興的人畜共通傳染病病原。亨德拉病毒曾導致澳洲爆發馬及人的致死性呼吸道疾病與腦膜腦炎,經由血清學檢測及病毒分離調查結果,已知狐蝠(flying bats)是自然宿主並且是帶原者。亨德拉病毒屬於副黏液病毒科(Paramyxoviridae),目前已獨立自成個新屬別。立百病毒則是一種類似於澳洲亨德拉病毒的新病原,約有20%的核酸序列差異性,可與亨德拉病毒之抗體產生交叉反應,已被證實為馬東西亞與新加坡爆發的人類及豬隻肺炎及腦炎致死病例的原因之一。立百病毒的來源、自然宿主及中間媒介動物仍有待進一步之研究與調查。


Both the Hendra virus and the Nipah virus are emerging and zoonotic viral agents. The Hendra virus has caused severe, fatal respiratory diseases and meningoencephalitis, affecting racehorses and humans in Australia. Fruit bats (flying foxes), members of Megachiroptera, are identified as the natural hosts both on serologic grounds and by viral isolation. The Hendra virus has been classified in a new genus within the Paramyxoviridae. The Nipah virus is a novel agent related to, but different from the Hendra virus. There is a 20% sequence divergence between the two viruses. Nipah viral particles are compatible with paramyxoviruses and can be made to cross-react with the Hendra virus antibody by the immunofluorescent technique. Viral isolation and immunological results verify that the Nipha virus is responsible for an explosive outbreak of viral pneumonia and encephalitis, involving mainly pigs and human adults working in pig farms. The resources, natural hosts and animal carriers of the Nipah virus must be investigated further.


Hendra virus Nipah virus Zoonosis Fruit bats
