  • 期刊


Characteristics of 5-day Averaged Large-Scale Circulation over East-Asia during 1979 FGGE Year




In this study, five-day-averaged FGGE and NASA Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR) data were used to study the evolution and the relationship of the large-scale circulations and convective activities over East Asia during Taiwan Mei-Yu season. Results can be summarized as follows:(1) There are two major convective cloud systems over East Asia area during Taiwan Mei-Yu season, the equatorial convective cloud system and the Mei-Yu frontal cloud system. Both cloud systems moved northward after the onset of the Indian monsoon. The equatorial convective cloud system moved to northern India and the Arabian sea and the Mei-Yu frontal cloud system moved to the Young-Tze river and started the Chian's Mei-Yu Season.(2) The velocity potential at 200 mb showed a similar evolution to the convective activity over East Asia. The result suggested that the convective activities associated with equatorial cloud system and Mei-Yu system are important part of the general circulation over East Asia.(3) Some of the active convections was observed on the right-hand-side of the jet entrance region. This seemed to suggest that the large-scale upper level divergent area is favorable for deep convection in the Mei-Yu system.(4) Pronounced downstream acceleration of the subtropical jet was found to have a good relationship with the deep convective activity. A positive feedback process between these two systems was suggested.(5) The intensity of the baroclinic zone and the deformation field over East Asia seemed to have a close relationship. This suggests that environment conditions favorable for the formation and maintanence of the Mei-Yu frontal system are also favorable for the stronger convective activities.(6) From the pressure index (PI) analysis, it was observed that a stronger southwesterly flow from the Bay of Bengal is favorable for stronger convective activity associated with Mei-Yu system.
