  • 期刊


Combustibility and Evolved Aromatic Fumes in Smoke from Chinese Incense


本研究之目的在探討市售線香(概分為六類)燃燒之基本性質、進行元素分析、測計燃煙中所生芳香族氣體的種類與含量,配合熱分析之結果,期了解線香之燃燒特性。就燃燒之基本性質言,線香粉密度0.52~0.78 g/cm^3,線香軸0.78~1.06 g/cm^3,而線香密度0.59~0.82 g/cm^3,線香密度與線香粉密度有十分密切之相關性。線香殘餘物顏色呈黑或灰黑色粉狀或鬚狀物,屬燃燒不完全現象。線香殘餘物及灰分含量分別為2.07(B)~33.46(F)%,2.73(B)~42.67(F)%,燃燒率0.02-0.03 g/min。由線香灰分之元素分析顯示有Ca、Si、K、Al、Mg、Fe、P、Na、S、Ti等元素,其中以Ca、Si、K、Al、Mg等含量較多。而線香軸(竹材)元素分析則有Ca、Si、K、Mg、P、S、Mn等。測試各線香之燃煙結果,苯氣體含量1.41~8.78 ppm,均未符合國家標準。而甲苯氣體為1.25~5.18 ppm,其中B、D、E試材未通過標準值。PAHs氣體成分有萘烯(Naphthalene)、菲(Phenanthrene)、□(Fluoranthene)、蒎烯(Pyrene)、2-乙基鄰苯二甲烯(Diethyl phthalene)、2-甲基萘烯(2-methylnaphthalene)、苊烯萘(Acenaphthylene)及2丁基鄰苯二甲酯(Dibutylphthalate)等,其中以萘烯(Naphthalene)含量最高。熱分析顯示其殘餘物為6.9(E)~22.2%(D)。


線香 燃燒性 灰分 芳香烴 熱重分析


The combustion characteristics of market Chinese Incense in six categories was examined. Thermal analysis, SEM-EDX semi-quantitative illucidate and GC-MS analyses on the emitted gases during combustion were carried out to further understand the combustibility of the Chinese Incense. The density of the Incense ranged from 0.59~0.80 g/cm^3 , increased with the increasing density of the Incense powder, which were from 0.52 to 0.78 g/cm^3, while 0.78~1.06 g/cm^3, was that of the Incense stick. The Incense burning rate was 0.02~0.03 g/min. The combustion residues varied from 2.07to 33.46% were black or greyish black, powder or in beard shape, resulted from incomplete combustion. Energy dispersive X-ray spectra showed that calcium, silicone, potassium, aluminum and magnesium were of higher content among nine elements presented in the ashes. The elements detectable in the Incense stick residue were potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and sulfur. The emitted benzene recorded during combustion was 1.41~ 8.78 ppm, way beyond the allowable level as regulated by Chinese National Standard. Toluene emission was between 1.25 and 5.18 ppm, of which specimens B, D and E not met the national standard. Nathphalene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Pyrene, Diethyl phthalene, 2methyl- naphthalene, Acenaphthylene and Dibutyl phthalate are the components in the emssion. The residues' content resulted from 600°C TGA was 6.9~22.2 %, with specimen D ranking the highest and E the least in amount.
