  • 期刊


Typhoon Rainfall and Short Term Rainfall Prediction of Cho-shui River Basin during the Typhoon Periods in 2005




This study takes four typhoons as examples in 2005 including Haitang typhoon, Matsa typhoon, Talim typhoon and Longwang typhoon. From this, the short-term rainfall of Cho-Shui river basin is predicted based on the available hydro-meteorological conditions and satellite data using the Similar Rainfall Consult model and Grey System model. The Similar Rainfall Consult model is predicted based on every precipitation station all over the test area by historical precipitation data. The Grey System model is predicted based on Gray prediction model by giving data to next interval rainfall data. The results show the predicted typhoon rainfalls of the basin agree well with the field measurement data besides the predicted data during Longwang typhoon. This is because the traveling speed of Longwang typhoon is quick, and the typhoon structure is destroyed during its attack on the Taiwan area through the Central Range. Moreover, the method of correction for six-hour antecedent rainfall leads to the best accuracy in predicting short-term rainfall. Therefore, we will be able to obtain more accurate forecasts to prevent and reduce flood damage.


