  • 期刊


The Experience and Adaptative Behaviors of the Infertile Women Who Were Suffering From in Vitro Fertilization Failure


本研究目的為探究生殖科技治療失敗之婦女,其如何面對與處理其治療失敗。本研究採調查法,研究對象為接受生殖科技治療失敗的婦女,經立意取樣,共收集30個個案。研究工具為半結構之會談指引,採專家內容效度,資料之收集於個案治療結束,被確定為治療失敗之二週內,以電話會談,並以敘述體方式記錄,再經內容分析,歸類出經驗感受與調適行為二大類目,及其次類目。 本研究結果,發現研究對象面對治療失敗及仍是不孕的處境之經驗感受共四個次類目,其分別運用不同的調適行為:(一)對受孕失敗感到失望與不解,(二)對治療歷程備感艱辛,(三)對所付出的心力未能獲得相對的受孕代價感到不公平,(四)對仍持續處於不孕感到不知所措與無奈。本結果可供護理措施之依據。




The purposes of this study were to explore the women’s experience and adaptative behaviors when they suffered from in vitro fertilization failure. Under a survey designed using purposive sampling, 30 IVF fertilization failure women were recrutied. A semi-structured interview guide was developed for data collection. When the subjects were informed for the IVF fertilization failure, they were interviewed and data were collected. All data were translated in a narrative form and analyzed by content analysis. The results showed there were four types of experience and each of them had different adap-tative behaviors: (A) They were disappointed and confused to the fertilization failure; they coped by accepting the fate, decreasing the expectation, looking for the failing factors, and looking for the successful factors. (B) They felt painful during the treatment course; they coped by reviewing the treatment course, having a rest, doing something that they had delayed, and planning to go ahead. (C) They felt unfair to the outcome of the effort; they coped by blaming the fate, wanting to change the mode of treatment, or by refusing to accept the treatment again. (D) They did not know what to do next; they coped by avoiding the fact or searching for more consultation. The findings can be used to establish a nursing care standard for the IVF fertilization failure women. Accordingly, the nurses can help the infertile women to recover from their grief and restitute a positive prospect of their future lives.


邱碧玉(2004)。割捨與維護孕育的經驗歷程- 多胞胎孕婦接受減胎手術的生活經驗與因應行為〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2004.02320
