  • 期刊


On Evaluating the Selection of Habitat Restoration Projects for the Wintering Common Teals in the Huajiang Wetland


華江溼地位處臺北市野雁保護區,每年9月至次年4月吸引數以千計的雁鴨造訪,其中以小水鴨為主要優勢鳥種。近年溼地有明顯的陸化現象,造成小水鴨喜好之棲地條件逐年劣化,根據過去研究,創造低潮時裸灘及水域面積有助於吸引小水鴨的使用,但因本區屬淤積區域,因此棲地復育方案的減淤成效成為主要的關鍵議題;而復育方案的選擇,牽涉到許多不同層面的考量,是本文探討的另一重點。本文研擬4組復育方案,並結合專家問卷及模糊層級分析法(FAHP),計算各組方案加權分數,以決定方案優先順序;專家問卷包含5個指標:工程成本、減淤成效、工程干擾、棲地適合度、觀賞及環境教育;同時定量評估各方案的減淤成效,評估方式是採用二維水理模式模擬水理條件,並分析與泥砂沖淤相關的水流剪力強度之時間與空間分布特性。專家問卷發現,「棲地適合度」所占權重最大(0.34)、「觀賞及環境教育」次之(0.25)、「減淤成效」再次之(0.20);FAHP 計算發現D方案分數最高;水理模擬及剪力分析發現,D方案綜合減淤成效最佳,且營造區域的上游及下游區減淤效果較好。本研究的FAHP及水理模擬均建議優先選擇D方案,研究結果具有一致性,可提供實務上的參考。


Located at Taipei City Waterbird Refuge, Huajiang wetland attracts thousands of ducks, of which are dominant by common teals, to visit here from September to next April every year. In recent years, wetlands have been led to a significant terrestrial regime from water regime, resulting in a reduction of teals since their habitat preferences could be affected by the condition to be gradually deteriorated. According to current research, the creation of bare mudflats and open water area would attract green-winged teals. However, since this wetland is belonging to a deposition area, the effectiveness of sedimentation reduction programs presents as a major key issue. How to consider selecting habitat restoration program involves various focal points is another focus of this paper to be explored. This paper, therefore, has been developed four types of restoration programs, combined with expert questionnaire and Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP). We calculated the scores in each programs, and detected expert questionnaire including five factors: project cost, sedimentation reduction effectiveness, engineering disturbance, habitat suitability, ornamental and environmental education. While assessing the effectiveness of each programs on reducing silts, we selected assessment methods by using of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model to simulate the hydraulic conditions and to analyze the changes of shear stress. Experts questionnaire has been detected that the weights of "habitat suitability" to be calculated as a dominant factor (0.34), followed by the factors of "ornamental and environmental education" (0.25), and "sedimentation reduction effectiveness" (0.20), respectively. In addition, Program D has been calculated by FAHP with the highest score as a result of integrated sedimentation reduction from upstream to downstream as well as by the analyses of hydrodynamic simulation. This study suggests to select Program D by combing the approaches of AHP and hydrodynamic simulation with a consistent result to be a great value for practical purposes.
