  • 期刊

Analysis and Optimization of Pressure Shock and Cylinder Stroke Deviation in Open Circuit Hydraulic System of Concrete Pump



This research mainly investigates the pressure shock and the cylinder stroke deviation in the open circuit hydraulic system of the concrete pump. According to the actual open circuit hydraulic system of concrete pump, a simulation model is developed with the software AMESim. Through the analysis of the simulation results, the cause of the above problems is the unmatched switching time of the pumping circuit and distributing circuit. Based on the simulation model, a lot of simulations have been done to find out the relationships between the restrictor diameters and the pressure shock and the cylinder stroke deviation. On the basis of these laws, several kinds of proper collocations are sought out. The experimental results validate that the best collocation can reduce the pressure shock and the cylinder stroke deviation by 20%. The lifespan and the efficiency are bettered accordingly.


本文針對混凝土開式泵送液壓系統中油缸行程偏差大和壓力衝擊大的問題進行了研究。建立了泵送系統的AMESim 仿真模型,找出問題的原因是泵送與分配回路換向時間不匹配。根據各位置阻尼影響油缸行程偏差和壓力衝擊的變化規律,得出合理的阻尼配置并通過實驗驗證,使壓力衝擊與油缸行程偏差改善了20%以上,提高了泵送效率和使用壽命。


