  • 期刊

New records and keys to species of Hemiboea and Loxostigma (Gesneriaceae) for the flora of Vietnam


We here report three species of Gesneriaceae (Hemiboea gracilis, H. ovalifolia and Loxostigma glabrifolium) as new records for the flora of Vietnam. These species have so far only been known to be endemic to China in previous treatments. These additional findings suggest the existence of stronger floristic links between North Vietnam and South China. We additionally provide identification keys to the species of Hemiboea and Loxostigma occurring in Vietnam.


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Middleton, D.J. and N.S. Ly. 2008. A new species of Ornithoboea (Gesneriaceae) from Vietnam. Edinb. J. Bot. 65(3): 353–357.http://doi.org/10.1017/S0960428608005039
