  • 期刊

Breeding of Kenaf through Mutation Induced by Gamma-Rays and Thermal Neutrons



本試驗研究於1971年8月至1972年1月在美國佛羅里達州立大學農業試驗場進行。其目的在探討利用伽瑪線及熱中子處理鐘麻種子進行誘變育種之價值;並比較兩種射線處理鐘麻種子最適當之劑量,期能在後代Mo中選拔豐產並具抗根痛線蟲之品系。玆將試驗結果簡述如下: 一、本試驗以美國佛川推賈栽培之鐘麻品種Everglade71爲材料,伽瑪線處理包括5000、10000、15000及20000 R4種,並以不處理區爲對照;三熱中子處理包括0.6×l0^s/平方公分,1.2×10^8/平方公分,1.8×10^9/平方公分,2.7×10^8/平方公分及7.2×10^8/平方公分6種,並以不處理區爲對照,分別在玻璃室及田間進行。 二、鐘麻種子徑熱中子處理後由M0.之觀察調查,植株高度、收穫株數、鮮株重及採種量恆較未處理之對照區爲低,且照射時間逾長者逾低。7.2×10^8/平方公分處理區由於照射時間過長,萌芽後幼苗相繼枯死。伽瑪線各處理中以10,000及15,000 R兩區其植株高度、收穫株數及採種量恆較對照區爲高,各處理區均在田間分別選取生育高大根部無根瘤線蟲感染之優良單株,編號採收蒴果,寄回本分所繼續進行觀察選拔。 三、鐘麻種間雜交,常由於雜交後代細胞染色體發生連鎖現現象而不易獲得具有抗病及優良農藝性狀之品系,利用伽瑪熱中子進行誘變育種,期能在誘變後代中選獲豐產、質佳之抗根瘤線蟲之品系。




Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.), the best substitute for jute, is an annual herbacious plant. Its fiber is normally used for the production of hessians, twines and fishing nets. Recent research in the U. S. A. has shown that paper pulp made from mature kenaf stalk has characteristics comparable with or even superior to hardwood and softwood pulps bond paper, speciality paper, fine papers, structural boards and blends with wood pulps. Several different kinds of paper are proposed uses for kenaf. Some better mutants of kenaf with fewer prickles, resistance to cliological fungi and tolerance to pests and insensiveness to daylight are desired. These characters may be selected from the progenies of seeds treated with radiation which is the most efficient method to improve the qualitative characters of the crops. Possibly the most serious li nitation to the successful of kenaf in the United States is its susceptibility to Meloidogyne incognita, acrita and other root-knot nematodes and associated root-rot organisms. Allohexaploid (2n=108) F and F interspecific hybrids of kenaf-roselle (Hibiscus cannabinus H. sabdariffa) were intermediate in their resistance to M. incognita acrita, between their moderately resistant tetraploid parent, roselle (H. sabdariffa L.), and their susceptible diploid parent, kenaf (H. cannabinus L.) (Wilson and Adamson 1970). U.S. Plant Introduction Station, Savannah, Georgia, is carrying out a task to select the better mutants of kenaf in their resistance to the cotton root-knot nematode (M. incognita acrita) from the progenies of seeds treated with radiation. (Lai 1972).


