  • 期刊

Studies on Transit and Storage Methods of Lychees



荔枝於採收後極易變色失味,貯運能力深受限制,本實驗就果實成熟度、包裝方法、貯運溫度與保鮮藥劑加以研究,期能尋求一適合內外銷之處理貯運方法,提供業者參考。 黑葉荔枝在七分熟時最耐貯運,在0℃時可貯存達47天之久,過熟(十分)及綠熟(五分)皆不耐貯運,各為19及27天。以兩端各留一針孔之密封PE盒或PE盤覆以EVA膜,皆可顯著延長貯運壽命,在0℃貯藏達四星期而不失色變味,尤以後者因透明不霧化,清潔美觀,適合用於小包裝。果實塗臘、浸漬抗老化植物生長素2.4-D(50 ppm)或Kinetin(25 ppm)及濕潤劑一食鹽水(5%)或氯化鈣水(4%),對果實變色或腐爛皆無抑制作用。食品黏(米周)劑CMC(1%)加枸椽酸(0.05%)水溶液處理果實,對防止果實變色稍具效果但無防止腐爛之效果。殺菌劑一霉敵或萬力(1,000 ppm),能有效防止果實腐爛兼稍具防止果實褐變之功效。果實在20℃下貯存四天即完全褐化,在5℃以貯存可延至第八天始完全褐化,故果實採收燻蒸後,應迅速預冷於5℃下貯運。應用上述試驗結果,設計一荔枝採收後之處理流程圖建議在外銷作業上使用。




Maturity standards, storage temperatures, packaging methods and some chemicals for prolonging the storage life of lychee were studied. Lychee harvested at 7 ”fen” or about 70% coloring had an acceptable color and flavor and a storage life of 47 days at 5℃. Similar fruit harvested when fully ripe had a storage life of only 19 days and that harvested at green-mature stage had a storage life of 29 days. Unwrapped lychee turned into brown completely in 4 days at 20℃ and in 8 days at 5℃ or 0℃. Lychee packed in polyethylene (PE) bags, boxes or trays extended their storage life substantially. The packed fruit only had a negligible decay in 4 weeks at 0℃. Packages of molded PE trays covered with Magi-film, which had a shinny attractive appearence, seemed promising. Antisenescencing plant growth regulators (2, 4-D and kinetin), wetting agents (calcium chloride and sodium chloride) and waxing had no effect on prolonging the postharvest life of lychee. Systematic fungicides (Benlate and TBZ) were effective in controlling riecay but not in retaining red color. CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose) plus citric acid coating was slightly effective in retarding browning but had no effect on decay control. A postharvest handling flow chart was designed for exporting lychee use.


