  • 期刊


The Development of Tainung No.2 Maize-A Hybrid Cultivar for Forage Uses


臺農2號為單雜交種,屬於青割玉米,其母本及父本自交系分別為SW558及TA3651-377。母本係由泰國Kasetsart大學引進之抗露菌病種源Suwan-1 DMR經自交分離育成,屬硬粒種,莖葉茂盛,抗普通型鏽病、煤紋病及露菌病;父本TA3651-377係由美國夏威夷大學引進之自交系Hi31經純化選出者,屬馬齒種,一般組合力高,對露菌病及媒紋病有抗性,且具有強稈抗倒伏之特性。 臺農2號青割鮮草產量可達50公噸/公頃,綜合兩年區域試驗之總平均產量較對照種臺南白高25.7%,較臺農351號增加14%,較臺農1號高出11.6%。本品種之莖稈粗壯,株型高大,穗位與臺農351號及臺農1號高度相近,抗倒伏性強,開花期及吐絲期之間隔為2~3天左右,果穗為1-2穗,鮮草產量高,自糊熟期至生理成熟期皆可收割。開花期與成熟期隨溫度高低之變化甚大,播種至吐絲期,春作約70天,秋作約65天。生育日數,春作三月初播種至子粒生理成熟期約106天,秋作八月底播種者約110天,屬中晚熟品種,適合本省耕作制度。木品種對普通型銳病及露菌病具有高度抗性,煤紋病為中抗,不抗矮化嵌紋毒素病。 臺農2號植株之莖色及葉鞘色為綠色,葉片深綠色,葉片數15~16片,花約黃色,穎色及花絲淡紅色,果穗苞葉緊密,每株穗數1~2穗,籽粒行數14~16行,籽粒呈馬齒型橘黃色。


青割玉米 馬齒種 硬粒種


Tainung No. 2 is a single-cross hybrid. Its parental inbreds are SW558 and TA3651-377. The maternal parent SW558 is a flint selected from the progenies of suwan-1 DMR which come from Thailand kasetsart University via inbreeding. SW558 is resistant to common rust, H. turcicum leaf blight and downy mildew, when it was screened under growth chamber conditions. The paternal parent TA3651-377 is a U. S. dent selected from the purified lines of Hi31, which was introduced from Hawaii University. TA3651-377 has high general combining ability (GCA) and is resistant to downy mildew and H. turcicum. Tainung No. 2 possesses 50 metric ton/ha forage yield potential, when harvest from dough to physiological maturity stages. It yielded higher than that of the TN white by25.7%, TNG351 by 14% and TNG-1 by 11.6% in two-year average. The days from planting to tasseling are 70 and 65 days in spring and fall crop seasons, respectively. The days from planting to maturity are 106 and 110 days, respectively, in spring and fall crops. Tainung No.2 is resistant toPuccinia sorgi (common rust), turcicum and downy mildew, but immune from MDMV-B infection. The colour of stem and leaf shealth of Tainung No.2 are green, the leaf blade is dark green, the anther is yellow, the spikelets and silk are light red. The number of leaves per plant is 15-16, number of ear per plant is 1-2 and number of kernel rows per ear is 14-16. The husk covers the ear tightly. The kernel is dent type with orange color.


Forage maize Dent Flint
