  • 期刊

Effects of Corn Residues on Soybean Yield



本項研究係於1992-1994年在臺灣省農業試驗所農場進行田間試驗,以探討期作及年份間之玉米殘留物效應對大豆產量之影響。玉米(Zea mays L.)為飼料玉米臺農一號,大豆〔Glycine max(L.)Merr.〕則為高雄選十號及農育七號。當前作玉米收獲後,即依設計倍量將玉米植株地地上殘留物分置田面,直接以迴轉犁犁入土中,並於大豆播種前一週再予耕犁一次。殘留物計有0(對照組)、X(全倍量、相當於57,100株/公頃)、ZX(兩倍量)、及4X(四倍量)等四種處理,期作分為夏作及春作兩種。試驗顯示,直接將玉米植株殘留物混入土中對後作大豆產量具有正面作用。無論夏作或春作,莢果及籽粒產量在品種及處理間均呈現顯著差異,本文因此針對各別品種在不同期作及年份問進行分析與討論。對農育七號而言,處理間兩期作均以兩倍量殘留物對莢果及籽粒的增產效果最高;夏作時,1993年之莢果及籽粒產量皆高於1992年者;春作時,1994年之籽粒產量大於1993年者。兩倍量殘留物處理之籽粒產量在夏作及春作分別平均增產約27及41%。玉米殘留物對高雄選十號也具有類似增產效果,唯兩倍量殘留物處理之籽粒在夏作及春作分別平均增產19及9%。從合併變方分析的結果發現,產量性狀中僅百粒重在品種、處理、及期作間同時顯著差異。而相關分析的資料則顯示,唯有莢果產量與籽粒產量在兩參試品種及期作間呈顯著正相關,即籽粒產量隨著莢果產量的增加而升高。


殘留物 玉米 大豆 產量 環境 期作


Field experiments were conducted to determine the corn (Zea mays L. cv. Tainung No.1) residues on the yield of the subsequent soybean 〔Glycine max (L.) Merr.〕 crops in 1992-1994. The results suggest that there is a beneficial effect in direct incorporation of corn residues into soil on soybean yield. Pod and grain yields of both Summer and Spring crops were significantly different in varieties and treatments in the study. For Nungyu 7, it showed that pod and grain yields of double amounts of corn residue were in average the highest among treatments in both crops. Pod and grain yields of 1993 were higher than that of 1992 in the summer growing season, but only grain yield of 1994 was superior than that of 1993 in the spring growing season. Grain yield increased by ca. 27 and 41% in average for the Summer and the Spring, respectively. Similar results were found for Kaohsiung sel. 10. It was 19 and 9% increase of grain yield for the Summer and the Spring, respectively. From the combined analysis of variance, 100-grain weight was the only yield component significant in residue treatments of two varieties in all years. Results of the correlation analysis showed that pod yield was the only factor positively correlated with grain yield in both varieties in both crops. This demonstrates that as pod yield increased, grain yield showed a corresponding increase.


Residue Corn Soybean Yield Environment Crop season
