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Morphological Flower Development of Persimmon (Diospyros kaki L.)


柿花芽是屬於混合花芽中之側生葉腋著花(Ⅱ)。一般新梢是6月中旬停止生長,‘富有’和‘平核無’二品種是7月中下旬至8月上旬行花芽分化。柿花芽可分爲雌花、雄花和完全花三種,大部分經濟品種只有雌花。 柿花芽分化及發育,因芽的位置不同與葉原基數及新梢乾物量而有顯著差異,在7月中旬分化後,早分化的花芽在8月上旬就形成萼片初生突起,晚分化的花芽在10月中下旬才能達到此種狀態,但芽都是在這種狀態停止發育而進入休眠,等到翌年3月再迅速發育,3月下旬,花瓣和雄蕊出生突起4月中旬新梢生長,葉腋花芽己經形成,花器發育逐步完成,在5月中下旬開花。 影響花芽分化可分爲內在因子及處在因子,內在因子有摘蕾、摘果、摘葉及樹勢之強弱;外在因子有遮光、環狀剝皮、修剪及生長調節物質處理。


柿樹 花芽發育 形態


Persimmon buds are mixed buds(Ⅱ), which are lateral leaf-primordium. The new shoots usually stop growing in Mid-June, However, 'Fuyu' and 'Hiratanenashi' species will not flower until late July and early August. Persimmon buds are composed of female flowers, male flowers and perfect flowers. Among these, only female flowers are economic benefit. Because of the placement, leaf primordium and dry weight of the buds, the flower initiation and development of persimmon buds obviously varies. If they flower in Mid-July, the early buds will form calyx lobes and protrude. And those late buds will not reach this state till late October. However, they all stop growing and remain dorment, till the following March. In March, they grow rapidly, petals and stamen flowers protrude in late March, and in April new shoots start growing, leaf lateral buds will form and flower organs will complate, They bloom in Mid and late May. There are endo and exo-factors that influence flowering. The endo-factors include thinning flowers, thinning fruit, thinning leaves and the vigor of trees, while the exo-factors include strong and weak shading, girlding, prunning and growth regulators.


persimmon flower development morphological


