  • 期刊


Labor Demand, Elasticity and Efficiency in the Credit Department of Farmers' Association


本文利用2000-2002年229家農會信用部資料,探討不同期間與類型農會信用部勞力需求變動趨勢,進而利用線性複迴歸模型以最小平方法推估農會信用部勞力需求與彈性,同時基於投入產出概念,分析農會信用部勞力服務與營運效率的變動趨勢。 實證結果顯示,農會信用部平均每位員工服務會員與贊助會員人數逐年增加,表示農會信用部勞力服務效率有提升趨勢;而辦理放款、處理催收款及盈餘貢獻卻逐年減少,表示農會信用部勞力營運效率有下滑趨勢。員工薪水與逾放比率高低對農會信用部勞力需求有負面影響,而存款、一般擔保放款、統一農貸擔保放款、逾期放款及信用部分部數目多寡對農會信用部勞力需求則有正面影響。 至於薪資之勞力需求彈性相對(介於-0.4513~-0.4594間)較大,而統一農貸擔保放款之勞力需求彈性(介於0.066~0.075間)則相對較小,顯示薪資高低乃影響農會信用部勞力需求最重要的因素。鄉村型農會之一般擔保放款、統一農貸擔保放款、信用部分部數目等之勞力需求彈性相對於都市型農會為大,顯示都市型農會信用部之勞動生產力或營運效率相對較鄉村型為高,究其原因乃都市型農會信用部之勞力素質相對較高。


This paper is concerned with the estimation of labor demand, elasticity and efficiency in the use of labor given production of specific outputs by 229 sample Credit Departments of Farmers' Associations observed during the period 2000-2002. A linear labor demand functions is estimated by the least-square method, where the demand for labor is a function of wages, specific output, quasi-fixed inputs, and managerial attitude variables. All output elasticity is positive and the salary and overdue loan ratio elasticity is negative indicating responsiveness of labor demand to the changes in the level of output, wage, and overdue loan ratio. The mean elasticity of labor with respect to deposit is very large and that of unified secured loan and overdue loan ratio is relatively small. The salary elasticity is very large, between -0.451 and -0.459, and it is slowly increasing over time. It shows that deposit is a labor-intensive service. The elasticity with respect to deposit, general secured loan, overdue loan, and branch increases over time, while that of unified loan decreases over time. The elasticity with respect to deposit, overdue loan, salary in urban CDFA is relatively larger than that in rural CDFA, while that of general secured loan, unified secured loan and branch is relatively smaller in rural CDFA. It implies urban CDFA is relatively efficient in deal with loaning and branching services. The efficiency of servicing member, associated member and deposit is slowly increasing over time, while that of managing loans, overdue loan and profit contribution decreases gradually.


