  • 期刊


The Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Sorghum Germplasm by Using SSR Markers


高粱[Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, 2n = 2x = 20]為全球第五大禾穀類作物,在禾本科作物中最能耐受長期乾旱和貧瘠土壤,適合低投入之栽培生產,為重要的救荒作物,此外,其用途相當廣泛,如飼料、掃帚、釀酒與生質酒精。評估高粱種原的遺傳歧異度對於高粱的遺傳育種有其必要性,是以,本研究以53個簡單重複性序列(simple sequence repeat, SSR)分子標幟分析93個高粱種原之基因型,評估種原庫和蒐集自臺灣田野之高粱種原的遺傳歧異度及親緣關係。研究結果顯示平均每個分子標幟可偵測到14.4個對偶基因數目,其中多態訊息含量(polymorphic information content, PIC)介於0.206~0.922,平均為0.709,顯示這些SSR分子標幟具有高度的鑑定能力。此93個高粱種原以STRUCTURE軟體分析其族群結構,可分為八個次族群,以Nei's遺傳距離建構親緣樹圖分群,分為三大群,此兩個分析結果具有共通性,擬高粱和詹森草、德州品系和V品系、部分國外引種的種原、臺灣的品系/蒐集系、畜產試驗所恆春分所的育種品系分別歸類於所歸屬之次族群和群集。本研究結果利於以遺傳圖譜分析來探勘重要農藝性狀,為臺灣高粱之遺傳與育種研究奠下基石。


Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, 2n = 2x = 20] is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world. Because of its tolerance to long-term drought and barren soil among the cereal crops of Poaceae, sorghum is suitable for cultivation by low input, resulting in being as a famine crop. In addition, sorghum has multipurpose-utilization such as forage, broom, brewing and bio-ethanol production. To assess the genetic diversity of sorghum germplasm is essential for breeding and genetic researches, 53 markers of simple sequence repeats, SSRs, were employed to genotype 93 sorghum germplasm which were obtained from National Plant Genetic Resources Center and collected from fields in Taiwan. The average number of allele detected by each marker was 14.4, and the polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.206 to 0.922 with a mean of 0.709, indicating high discriminating ability of SSRs. The 93 germplasm could be divided into eight subpopulations and three major clusters with several minor groups revealed by STRUCTRE and cladogram of Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) based on Nei's genetic distances. Both STRUCTURE and UPGMA revealed congruent clusters, for which S. propinquum and S. halepense , Texas accessions and accessions prefixed V, part of introduced germplasm, Taiwanese accessions, and breeding lines of Hengchun Branch, Livestock Research Institute were grouped in either the same subpopulation or minor clusters, respectively. This study paves a way for researches of sorghum genetics and breeding in Taiwan.


