  • 期刊


"Asian Democracy" and Political Crises: The Case of Indonesia, 1997~1998


「亞洲式民主」為許多政治學者及大部分的亞洲領袖所推崇。他們相信,因為「亞洲式民主」標榜許多與群體價值優先相關的價值,使得一些亞洲國家免於面對西方所面臨的諸多困境。他們同時堅信,人民內心深處渴望的是經濟生活面的滿足,民主與否則非重要問題。 然而本研究的基本論點認為,「亞洲式民主」事實上不民主,也因為它不民主,所以它即具有不穩定的本質。當支持「亞洲式民主」政體合法性的經濟發展消失時,尤其又必須面對政治領導繼承問題時,以上所稱的不穩定的本質往往就會轉變為政治危機。本研究即以透過對印尼一九九八年政權轉移的觀察,來檢視「亞洲式民主」的不穩定本質與政治危機間的關係。


“Asian Democracy”- which stresses conformity and communal loyalties over pluralism and individualism – has been upheld by most of the leaders of Asian countries. They argued that “Asian Democracy” is a foundation of a strong-and-stable state and that a strong-and-stable state is a prerequisite for rapid economic development (which is highly desired by people in developing countries). This paper, however, argues that “Asian Democracy” is inherently unstable due to its “non-democratic” traits (e.g., personal rule, electoralism, etc.). Asian democratic systems, therefore, largely depend on economic performance legitimacy. In such a system, once economic performance stalls, a legitimacy crisis follows. This paper examines the dynamics between the spirit of “Asian Democracy” and the fall of Suharto to exemplify the inherent instability of the “Asian democracy” theory.


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