  • 期刊

Reactions and Adjustment of adult and Young Alpine Marmots Marmota marmota to Intense Hiking Activities


In the region of First near Grindelwald in the Swiss Alps, experiments were carried out on the reaction of alpine marmots Marmota marmota when confronted with hikers. Marmots in highly frequented areas showed less reaction to hiking activities than marmots in remote areas. In adult marmots, there was no change in reaction during the season. In young animals the reaction shortly after leaving the burrows in early July, was slight and similar in highly frequented and remote areas. In late summer, the intensity of the reaction of young animals increased significantly in animals in both study groups but to a much larger extent in the remote areas. We conclude that the perception of danger has to be learned or is built up during growth and development. At the same time, young animals in highly frequented areas may adjust to the presence of hikers.


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