  • 期刊

Sources and Intake of Resistant Starch in the Chinese Diet



抗性淀粉在小肠中不能被消化,而在大肠中可能被酵解。本研究的目的是测定特定食物中的抗性淀粉的含量,并估计中国居民每人每日抗性淀粉摄入量,以及提供抗性淀粉的主要食物来源。用体外模拟胃肠道酶解法对121种常用食物中的抗性淀粉含量进行测定。根茎类和豆荚类食物中抗性淀粉含量较高。粗加工食物中保留较多抗性淀粉。食物经过烹调加工后,抗性淀粉含量普遍降低。油炸和烘烤的食物较蒸煮的食物抗性淀粉含量较高。根據膳食调查來估计,中国居民抗性淀粉的平均摄入量为每日14.9 g。中国居民膳食抗性淀粉的主要来源为面制品、米制品和淀粉产品类。居民的抗性淀粉摄入量因为饮食习惯的差异个体差异较大。


含量 膳食调查 摄入量 抗性淀粉 来源


Resistant starch (RS) escapes digestion in the small intestine and may ferment in the large intestine. The purpose of this study was to determine the resistant starch content in typical starchy foods and to estimate the daily resistant starch intake and identify key sources of dietary resistant starch in the Chinese diets. The resistant starch contents of 121 foods were determined using a method that mimicked gastrointestinal conditions. Tubers and legumes had high resistant starch contents. Rough food processing retained large amounts of resistant starch. In general, the content of RS decreased when foods were cooked. Deep fried and roasted foods had higher levels of resistant starch than braised foods. The average resistant starch intake in the Chinese population was estimated to be 14.9 g per day based on a dietary survey. The main resistant starch sources in the Chinese diet were cereal and tuber products. Based on dietary habits, however, the resistant starch intake varies considerably among individuals.


content dietary survey intake resistant starch source
