  • 期刊

Effects of Dietary Traditional Fermented Soybean on Reproductive Hormones, Lipids, and Glucose among Postmenopausal Women in Northern Thailand



黃豆及其製品中的異黃酮有許多健康效益。一些臨床研究顯示,飲食中的黃豆異黃酮可以緩解停經症狀、降低乳癌發生風險、降低血膽固醇及血糖。在異黃酮產生的多種效益中,降低膽固醇和血糖似乎已被充分證實,然而,其他例如對生殖性荷爾蒙的影響則不確定且不一致。本篇研究主要目的是探討,停經婦女攝取6個月的傳統發酵黃豆後,對於其BMI、生殖性荷爾蒙、血脂質、和血糖之影響。受試者來自泰國Phayao省Baan Tham村,透過訪問及健康篩檢挑選出停經至少一年之婦女。將60位婦女分成實驗組(31人)與對照組(29人)。實驗組持續平常飲食,並額外補充發酵黃豆食品6個月,這些食品每天約供給60毫克的異黃酮。值得注意的結果是,飲食中發酵黃豆對於黃體素和血膽固醇是有健康效益的,但對雌二醇、血糖和三酸甘油酯則沒有影響。雖然實驗組的雌二醇與血糖值並未改變,然而對照組的雌二醇降低、血糖則增加。因此,本篇研究結果顯示,發酵黃豆食物對於生殖性荷爾蒙、血膽固醇可能有效益,值得進一步探討。


異黃酮 雌二醇 脂質 葡萄糖 停經婦女


Isoflavone in soybean and its products have numerous beneficial health effects. A number of clinical studies have demonstrated that dietary soy isoflavone can relieve menopausal symptoms, lower risks of breast cancer, and lower cholesterol and glucose. Among the various effects of isoflavone, the role of cholesterol and glucose reduction seems to be well documented; however, other effects such as reproductive hormones were inconclusive and inconsistent. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of six-month dietary traditional fermented soybean intake on BMI, reproductive hormones, lipids, and glucose among postmenopausal women. Subjects were women with their last menstrual period occurring at least 12 months prior to selection by interview and health screening from Baan Tham Village, Phayao Province, Thailand. A total of 60 women were divided into 2 groups: experimental group (n=31) and reference group (n=29). The experimental group was permitted to continue their usual diet, and supplemented with fermented soybean for 6 months. The fermented soybean provided approximately 60 mg of isoflavone per day. The remarkable findings were that dietary fermented soybean had favorable effects on progesterone and cholesterol, but had no effects on estradiol, glucose, and triglycerides. Although estradiol and glucose in the experimental group did not change, a decrease of estradiol and an increase of glucose were found in the reference group. Our results, therefore, suggest that fermented soybean may have beneficial effects on reproductive hormones and cholesterol, and they would be warrant further detail investigations.


isoflavone estradiol lipids glucose postmenopausal women


Wahlqvist, M. L. (2014). Ecosystem Health Disorders-Changing Perspectives in Clinical Medicine and Nutrition. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 23(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.6133/apjcn.2014.23.1.20
