  • 期刊

Barriers to enteral feeding of critically ill adults in Korea


Background and Objectives: Evaluating barriers to provision of enteral nutrition in intensive care units and planning an appropriate intervention can improve nutritional nursing practice in these units. This study aimed to develop a Korean version of the Barriers to Enterally Feeding Critically Ill Patients Questionnaire (BEFIP-K) and to explore the barriers to enteral feeding of critically ill patients in Korea. Methods and Study Design: The 24- item BEFIP-K was developed according to the process laid down by the World Health Organization. Its psychometric properties were assessed, including acceptability; validity, which included content validity and construct validity; and reliability, which consisted of internal consistency and item-total correlation, using data from 207 critical care nurses in four tertiary hospitals in South Korea. Results: The calculated content validity indices for each item were from 0.88 to 1.00. As for the exploratory factor analysis, 24 items were loaded on five domains, accounting for 56.9% of the total variance. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the total scale was 0.913 and the coefficients for item-total correlation analyses ranged from 0.469 to 0.694. The total BEFIP-K score was 32.1, with a range from 18.5 to 45.4. Conclusions: The findings support that the BEFIP-K is a feasible, valid instrument for assessing barriers to provision of enteral nutrition.
