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Picture Books and the Emotional Healing of Children in 512 Sichuan Earthquake Areas: The Case of "Delivering Emotional Healing Picture Books to Children in 512 Sichuan Earthquake Areas"



相關調查發現,12歲以下的兒童在512四川震災中是心理受創最嚴重的一群。而閱讀兒童文學作品,如繪本等,能使遭逢情緒困擾與心理創傷的兒童忘卻現實生活中的不愉快,進而紓緩其負面情緒,此即為「發展性書目療法」(Developmental Bibliotherapy)之精神。爰此,臺灣大學圖書資訊學系與國家圖書館發起「送兒童情緒療癒繪本到四川」之專案活動,結合圖書資訊界、心理衛生與心理諮商界及兒童文學界等專家學者組成選書小組,挑選50種具情緒療癒效用之繪本,並出版《兒童情緒療癒繪本解題書目》,作為導讀手冊。未來期能將50種情緒療癒繪本與該解題書目,送至四川等大陸震災地區,使災區兒童能透過繪本之閱讀,達到情緒療癒與心靈重建之目的。本文首先敘述繪本閱讀對災區兒童情緒療癒的重要性,其次說明「送兒童情緒療癒繪本到四川」專案活動之工作內容,繼而報告兒童情緒療癒繪本之選書工作過程,同時臚列入選之兒童情緒療癒繪本。透過本文,期能凸顯繪本具兒童情緒療癒的效用,亦期能引發圖書館從業人員思考如何運用發展性書目療法之原理於現有之讀者服務上,以體現圖書館的社會教育功能。


According to media, children experienced heavy stress after the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake in China. Picture books have both educational and emotional healing functions, which serve as ”medicine for the mind”. This is the essence of developmental bibliotherapy. The Department of Library and Information Science in National Taiwan University established the ”Delivering Emotional Healing Picture Books to Children in 2008 Sichuan Earthquake Areas” activity to deliver picture books to Sichuan earthquake areas which functions as a therapeutic tool for facilitating positive mentality and psychological reconstruction. A book selection team of professionals from library and information science, mental health and counseling, and children's literature fields selected 50 picture books. Professor from National Taiwan University, Chen Su-may Sheih, therefore took charge of compiling the book entitled 'Emotional Healing Picture Book for Children: An Annotated Bibliography' which summarized the content and highlighted emotional healing and the therapeutic insights of 50 picture books.


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