  • 期刊


An Analysis of the New International Political and Economic Order Advocated by the PRC


在世界新舊格局交替之際,中共越來越關注未來世界的和平與發展,特別是世界新秩序問題。中共認為戰後五十多年的歷史已經證明,未來的歷史還將繼續證明,霸權主義和強權政治最終都是行不通的。鄧小平在一九八八年底就指出,現在須要建立國際經濟新秩序,也須要建立國際政治新秩序。 中共認為兩極格局結束,世界向多極化發展,也為建立國際新秩序提供了有利條件。中共倡議的國際新秩序主要內容:(1)每個國家都有權根據本國國情選擇自己的政治、經濟和社會制度;(2)和平共處五項原則是建立國際政治經濟新秩序的準則,世界各國特別是大國必須嚴格遵守不干涉他國內政的原則;(3)國家之間應當相互尊重,求同存異,和睦相處,平等相待,互利合作;(4)國際爭端應通過和平方式合理解決,而不應訴諸武力,或以武力相威脅;(5)各國不分大小強弱都有權平等參與協商決定世界事務。


At time when the old world structure is being replaced by a new one, the PRC has become more and more concerned about the peace and development of the world in the future, especially the question of a new world order. According to Beijing, the past history of more than five decades has already proven and the future history will continue to prove that in the end hegemonism and big-power politics will not work. Deng Xiaoping pointed out at the end of 1988 the necessity of building a new inernational economic order and a new international political order. The PRC believes that the collapse of the bi-polar world structure and the development towards multi-polarization have already created favorable conditions for the establishment of a new world order. The main contents of the new international order as advocated by Beijing are: (1) every country has the right to choose its own political, economic, and social systems in accordance with its specific conditions; (2) the Five Principles for Peaceful Coexistence are the criteria for establishing a new world order; and all countries, especially the big ones, must strictly abide by the principle of noninterference of other countries' internal affairs; (3) All countries should respect one another, seek common ground while reserving differences, coexist on friendly terms, treat one another as equals, and develop mutually beneficial cooperation; (4) international disputes should be reasonably resolved by peaceful means and should not be settled by force or by threatening the use of force; and (5) all countries-no matter big or small, strong or weak-have the right to participate as equals in consultations for the settlement of world affairs.


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