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Motivational outcomes of using virtual reality as a therapeutic tool in children with cerebral palsy: A literature review


背景及目的:近年來隨著科技演進,應用於腦性麻痺孩童的介入隨之更迭。虛擬實境方案逐漸被應用在兒童復健領域上。過去研究發現使用虛擬實境為介入媒介可有效提升孩童參與復健動機,但針對動機相關療效探討的文獻回顧有限。本文旨於彙整虛擬實境方案於腦性麻痺兒童參與復健動機之影響與成效。方法:使用PubMed、Scopus、ERIC 與Google Scholar 資料庫搜尋文獻,鍵入關鍵字cerebral palsy/ virtual reality/ rehabilitation/ therapy/ interactive technology/game/ computer/ simulation/ motivation/ achievement/ drive/ volition/ success/self-efficacy/ quality of life/ school functions,搜尋至2015 年。收錄條件為(1) 受測者為腦性麻痺孩童,年齡18 歲以下,(2) 以虛擬實境為主要治療方案, (3) 成效評量包含動機、參與度及滿意度等成效。結果:本文收錄10 篇研究。研究結果發現4 篇隨機控制試驗中,有2 篇研究證實虛擬實境可增進孩童在參與復健自我效能與動機,2 篇研究結果顯示維持。其餘6 篇研究中5 篇顯示維持,1 篇顯示執行遊戲密集度 (intensity) 減少。結論:以虛擬實境方案做為介入媒介時,多數研究證實其具有提升或維持受測者參與復健活動之動機的效果。目前虛擬實境應用於腦性麻痺孩童的動機探討研究中,樣本數普遍較少。動機的評估工具缺乏可敏感量測出孩童動機變化的工具。建議後續研究可收納較大樣本數以及使用較為敏感動機相關評量,以提供更高層級實證基礎。


精神障礙 專業合作 平衡 行走 運動訓練


Background: Virtual reality (VR) has been widely used in pediatric rehabilitation field during past decades. Although research has shown VR effectively improve the participants’ motivation in rehabilitation training programs, review papers that focused on motivational outcomes are limited. This review aimed to integrates motivational results of papers used VR applied in children with CP. Method: PubMed, Scopus, ERIC and Google Scholar databases were conducted up to 2015. Key words were cerebral palsy / virtual reality/ rehabilitation / therapy / interactive technology / game / computer / simulation / motivation / achievement / drive / volition / success / self-efficacy / quality of life / school functions. Result: This review includes 10 studies. Results shown self-perception and motivation achieved significant differences in 2 of 4 randomized controlled trails (RCTs), indicating the promising motivational outcomes in VR programs compared with conventional rehabilitation. Remained studies had no significant differences before and after VR intervention except for 1 study showed the decrease of intensity. Conclusion: Using VR as a therapeutic tool was a feasible way in children with CP. For the future research suggestion, large sample size studies and the sensitive assessing tools are needed in the future.


Cerebral palsy Virtual reality Motivation
