  • 期刊


The Relationship between Genu Recurvatum and Low Velocity Isokinetic Knee Torque in Stroke Patients




The purpose of this study is to collect normative data of isokinetic knee flexor and extensor torque for both legs in stroke patients, and to identify the relationship between these data and genu recurvatum phenomenon. Sixteen stroke patients with (n=6, study group) or without (n=10, control group) genu recurvatum performed isokinetic knee test at 30°/s for bilateral knee joints by using CYBEX325 machine. The torque data were recorded including peak torque (PTF, PTE), torque at knee flexion 15° (T15F, T15E), deficit of peak torque (D-PTF, DPTE), deficit of torque at knee flexion 15°(DT15F, D-T15E), hamstring-quadriceps ratio of peak torque for both knees (AHQ-PT, SHQ-PT), and hamstring-quadriceps ratio of torque at knee flexion 15° for both knees (AHQ-T15, SHQ-T15). Several t-tests were applied to identify the differences between study group and control group. Several paired t-tests were applied to test the differences between deficits of peak torque and deficits of torque at knee flexion 15°, and differences between hamstring-quadriceps ratios of sound knee and that of affected knee. No significant differences on torque values existed between study and control group. Deficits of torque in study group were found significantly greater than those of control group except DT15F, and hamstring-quadriceps ratios of affected leg were significantly smaller than that of sound leg in the control group. These findings suggested that although torque values between the study group and the control group showed no significant differences, the knee extensor in hemiparetic leg of the study group was relatively weaker than that of the control group. Rehabilitation programs to strengthen knee extensor in hemiparetic leg for patients with genu recurvatum might be emphasized.


Genu recurvatum Isokinetic Hemiplegia
