  • 期刊

Isometric and Isokinetic Grip Strength in Normal Young Subjects: A Preliminary Study



本研究的主要目的在於利用LIDO WorkSET Ⅱ建立20至30歲青年男女握力的正常值範圍,並且比較男女之間及慣用手、非慣用手之間在等長肌肉收縮與等速肌肉收縮表現的異同。受試者共38人,包括男性17人,女性21人;分別接受等長肌肉收縮與快(180°/秒) 慢(30°/秒)兩種等速肌肉收縮的測試。結果發現:等長肌肉收縮方面,男性不論是慣用手或非慣用手的平均握力都約為女性的兩倍,且不論男女性別,慣用手之握力均大於非慣用手(P=.000)。在等速肌肉收縮方面,男性握力亦比女性大;且不論男女,對慣用手而言,以慢速測試時之握力較快速測試時為大(p=.000),對非慣用手而言,以慢速或快速測試則無明顯差異(P=.087)。本研究等長收縮握力方面之結果可提供國人20至30歲年輕人握力正常值範圍之參考。等速收縮握力測試可以測量不同收縮速度間之肌力變化,反應出手部日常活動的實際狀況。藉此,也可提供臨床治療師擬定治療計畫時的參考,以注意到不同性別、不同側手及不同速度間病人不一樣的表現。


握力 等長肌力 等速肌力


The purposes of this study were to find the normal range of grip strength in normal young subjects and the relationships of grip strength to sex and hand dominance. Gripping strength of 38 subjects (17 male, 21 female) were evaluated by isometric and isokinetic models at two different loading rate (180°/sec, 30°/sec). The isometric torque of the dominant hand is greater than that of the non-dominant hand (p=.000) in both genders. Male has nearly twice the isometric torque to that of female. The isokinetic torque of male subjects is also greater than that of female subjects (p=.000); especially in the slow loading rate of the non-dominant hand. In the dominant hand, isokinetic torque in slow speed is greater than that in fast speed (p=.000), and for non-dominant hand, there is no significant difference between two speed (p=.087). The results of this study provide a data base for grip strength in Chinese young adults. The isokinetic muscle tests can measure the dynamic muscle strength and thus can reflect muscular capability used in daily activities.
