  • 期刊


Developement of a Hidden Markov Chain Model for Analyzing and Simulating Wind Speed Data


在作風能評估、結構耐風設計或節能設計時,建立合適的風速模型來模擬是一個很重要的研究課題;此模型應可模擬產生與實測風速統計特性類似之人造風速資料。本文嘗試以隱藏式馬可夫鏈(Hidden Markov Chain;HMC)模型,配合常態轉換法,分析實測風速,並產生人造風速。與前人所採用之模型不同的是,此模型是個非穩態(non-stationary)模型,因此可以適當呈現實際風速資料中的非穩態現象;同時我們也發展了新的演算法。為了驗證所提模型與方法之適用性與準確性,本文以無劇烈氣候變化測站之風速為例,模擬產生人造風速資料;模擬結果顯示人造風速與實測風速有相似之統計特性。


風速 模擬 機率 隱藏式馬可夫鏈


Field wind data is essential for wind resistant structural design or for wind energy evaluation. However, field wind data is often quite limited; therefore, generating synthetic wind data whose statistical properties are similar to those from observed wind data is a critical research topic. This research proposes a Hidden Markov Chain (HMC) model to analyze field wind data and to simulate synthetic wind data. Compared to the models adopted by previous research, the chosen model is different in the way that it is a non-stationary model. Moreover, new algorithms are developed in this paper to simulate synthetic wind data based on the HMC model and field wind data. The recorded wind speed data is used to demonstrate the implementation of the proposed approach. It is shown that the statistical properties of the simulated data are very similar to those of the field data.
