  • 期刊


A Study of Satisfaction of Services for Visual Impaired Passengers at Airport and on Aircraft


無障礙設施為先進國家的重要表徵之一,在國內,隨著身心障礙人數已逼近一百萬大關,且成長率逐年攀升之下,對於無障礙設施之需求與日俱增,由於國內在運輸的無障礙設施相關研究多半仍以陸路運具為考量,包括交通工程設施、捷運系統等地面運輸設施,然而航空運輸特性迥異於陸路運輸,且航空站本身為重要門戶,更應提高其無障礙設施水準,惟國內運輸研究對於此方面之探討仍相當缺乏。綜此,本研究針對身心障礙者中較少探討之之視覺障礙者進行航空運輸需求特性之探討,結合學理與實務意見強化無障礙航空運輸設施之研究能量。在研究設計方面,首先藉由相關規定以及無障礙設施調查探討現況問題,並利用重要度滿意度分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)設計航空運輸無障礙設施評估量表,再至社會福利單位進行視覺障礙者訪問調查,以確切了解視覺障礙者使用航空運輸之需求缺口。最後,結合重要度滿意度分析成果與旅客意見提出漸進式改善建議。研究結果發現班機取消延誤的資訊發佈、專屬櫃檯服務、機上廁所使用方便程度為視覺障礙者認為應首要改善之部分,其餘項目則位於次要改善與持續改善部分,本研究所研提之改善建議可供航空主管機關參酌改善之用,俾使桃園國際機場成為一個更有高度無障礙服務水平之運輸設施。


Social equality has largely become a global consensus. In the transportation business, it translates into the concept of a barrier-free environment, which seeks to design facilities from the outset to support easy access for the public, including people with disabilities. The United States and European countries have laws and regulations to address the importance of and provide guidance to a barrier-free environment, which has been an essential indicator of social welfare. The population with disabilities in Taiwan has steadily increased and is approaching one million. Subsequently, the demand of a barrier-free environment and accessibility are expected. This study evaluates the need of services for a segment of people with disabilities by examining the perception and satisfaction of air transportation services in a sample of persons with visual function impairment. It applies a technique, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), to simultaneously consider both the importance and performance dimensions to evaluate strategies and make resource allocation recommendations.


