  • 期刊


A Discussion on the Ticket Price of Former British Consular Residence at Takao




The former British Consulate Residence at Takao is a popular cultural heritage site in Kaohsiung City, and the management of this cultural heritage site has garnered the interest of the government and the public. The Kaohsiung City Government has sold tickets to this cultural heritage site since July 6, 2012. We used descriptive statistics and the contingent valuation method to investigate the variables of tourists' WTP two ticket prices in relation to the current management quality of the site and the management quality following enhancement. We also investigated tourists' WTP for tickets; currently, the WTP is affected by four types of service in the model. The descriptive statistic results indicated that most tourists were from outside Kaohsiung City, and they were interested in visiting cultural heritage and knew that the former British consulate residence is a cultural heritage. Furthermore, the satisfaction levels of tourists regarding their experience of the culture, entertainment, and current services while visiting the former British consulate residence were not high, and the tourists typically stayed at the former British consulate residence for less than 50 min. For the two assumptions, the first two reasons that the tourists were not willing to pay higher tickets were the Government should afford it and they would not visit this park. The regression model results indicated that the significant variables affecting the WTP for tickets at the current management quality were Leisatis, Time, City, and Occupa. The regression model results indicated that following enhancement of the management quality, the significant variables affecting the WTP for tickets would be Herintre, Culsatis, Evalu, Import, and Occupa. Enhancing the quality of the current service items did not increase tourists' WTP for tickets. The regression model results provided estimates regarding the WTP. It reveals that if the Kaohsiung City Government returns to the original ticket price, the quality of the management of the Former British Consulate Residence at Takao should be improved. The Kaohsiung City Government's strategy should therefore focus on the improvement of the management quality.


