  • 期刊


Issues of Enforcing Post-Disaster Permanent Housing Policy from the Housing Development and Residents' Living Patterns Point of View-A Case Study of XinKai Tribe, Liouguei District, Kaohsiung City




After Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan on August, 2009, an unique housing recovery process, permanent housing, was enforced by building permanent houses after this disaster. To further understanding the issues of permanent housing policy enforcement, the living status and problems faced by the residents after they moved into the housing environment, and the influence factors from different types of permanent housing developments, this study has investigated the processes based on the development timeline from selecting building sites, construction progresses, to the living patterns of victims from Xinfa Li, Liouguei District, Kaohsiung City after they resided in the permanent houses. This study has summarized and concluded with following findings: (1) the permanent housing policy is leading by Central government and cooperating by local authorities, which makes the local government becoming passive and slothful in participating the policy enforcement and resulted in delays of house building progress and attenuate the designed efficacy of relocation; (2) the permanent housing site distant from original community has following problems: (A) the process of site selection without considering the provision of residents' livelihood support capability; (B) the failures of measures proposed by government and NGOs resulting in the separating environments of "livelihood" and "living", discouraging the wills of relocating victims to stay at the permanent housing site; (3) the ambiguous regulations of "special district" and loosing controls of land-uses becoming the attractiveness and incentives for relocated victims to go back to live and farm at their original community, that ultimately resulting in the failure of permanent housing policy's relocating function and the initial design to reduce the utilization strength of high risk hazard areas.
