  • 期刊


Utility of Endobronchial Ultrasonography in Pulmonary Diseases


內視鏡超音波在肺部腫瘤、食道惡性腫瘤及胃部惡性腫瘤之篩檢及診斷已等同於或在某些方面甚至優於電腦斷層或正子攝影掃瞄檢查。氣管內視鏡超音波(EBUS),它結合了氣管內視鏡及超音波,能協助作肺部病灶精確診斷。EBUS能評估支氣管旁淋巴結、血管及縱膈腔腫瘤病灶,也能正確評估支氣管壁侵犯或肺實質病灶。臨床醫師可依其病灶顯影出形狀特性來作鑑別診斷,並初步判斷爲良性或是惡性疾病。此外,診斷腫瘤轉移與否,常是決定治療模式與預後的重要關鍵;精準的早期肺癌分期可藉由病理切片組織報告合併其所顯影出的支氣管旁結構,測量腫瘤深度來達到。由於EBUS較不具侵犯性,病患不適度較低,及較少的醫療費用支出但卻有較高準確度,故預期EBUS未來將更爲普及。在此,我們回顧了相關的氣管內視鏡超音波文獻, 給予臨床醫師作爲肺部疾病臨床治療策略之參考。


Ultrasonography has been accepted as an equivalent or superior modality to computer tomography (CT) or positron emission tomography for detecting pulmonary, esophageal, or gastric malignancies. Endobronchial Ultrasonography (EBUS), a combination of bronchoscopy and ultrasonography, is a new modality that helps the definitive diagnosis of pulmonary diseases. EBUS is used to evaluate parabronchial lymph nodes, blood vessels, and mediastinal tumors and may be valuable for accurately evaluating the bronchial wall invasions and parenchymal lesions. It can help differential diagnosis by characterizing lesions and recognizing benign or malignant diseases. Further, metastasis is a critical determinant of therapy and prognosis; the definite early stage of lung malignancy can be determined by measuring the depth of tumor invasion in pathological tissue samples and by evaluating the tracheobronchial wall structure. The main characteristics of EBUS that are expected to popularize its use are less invasiveness, less discomfort, less cost, and more efficacy. Therefore, we reviewed the literature for endobronchial ultrasonography and provided clinical strategies for treating pulmonary medicine.
