  • 期刊


Effects of Height on Cognitive Ability in Adolescence: Evidence from Taiwan Education Panel Survey




This paper investigates the relation between height and cognitive ability by using the data of the Taiwan Education Panel Survey. OLS results show there is a positive relation between teenagers' height and cognitive ability. The hypotheses of ”height are markers of one's self-esteem, interpersonal dominance, health, experience in sports and clubs, non-cognitive ability and evolutionary theory that reflects those impacts on cognitive ability” are proved to be excluded. We also use the Propensity Score Matching (PSM) and female student's menarche age as an instrument to correct the potential threats of endogeneity problems. We find girls with earlier age of menarche have greater height and better cognitive ability in the junior high school stage. Our findings suggest that cognitive ability is associated with the timing of adolescent growth spurts, such that the earlier the children hit the growth spurts, the better cognitive ability they have. Height in adolescence is a symbol of cognitive ability and reflects the timing of the adolescent growth spurts.


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