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Iliopsoas Compartment Disorders: CT and MRI Studies





Between August 1988 and July 1992, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of pathologies involving the iliopsoas compartment were retrospectively reviewed in a total of 52 patients, including 30 tumors, 10 abscesses, 10 hematomas, 1 urinoma and 1 extradural arachnoid cyst. Pathophysiologically, the iliopsoas disorders could be divided into 3 categories: 1. lesions intrinsic to the iliopsoas compartment, 2. lesions originating in the spinal column or sacroiliac joint, or 3. lesions originating in the nearby retroperitoneal structures. More often the iliopsoas compartment acts only as a conduit for the spread of disease. Primary disorders were rare in our experience. CT is proven to be sufficient enough in lesion identification and localization. Only two cases escaped CT detection in our series. Of 9 patients in whom correlative MR imaging and CT studies were available. MR imaging was judged to be superior to CT in tissue differentiation in 3, in definition of disease extent in 4 and in detection of bone marrow or major vessels involvement in 5. MR imaging is thus suggested to be useful as an adjunct of CT in studying the iliopsoas compartment, especially with disorders closely related to the major vessels or spinal column.
