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Study on a Continuous Hay Dryer


本研究的目的爲藉由實際製作一台大型乾燥機進行乾燥試驗以了解大型牧草乾燥機的特性,做爲乾燥作業的參考及改良的依據。 經由量測乾燥室內各點的溫度値可得知,在固定乾燥條件下,乾燥室內的溫度分佈呈現穩定狀態。由等溫線圖可知,若減少入風口進氣量,會降低乾燥室底層溫度分佈的均勻性,且會減低濕草入口處的乾燥現象,但對各層之平均溫度則無明顯的影響。如減緩輸送帶速率,會使乾燥現象漸集中於上層輸送帶部份,底層及中層溫度則漸趨一致。由等溫線圖亦可知乾燥室內的溫度分佈具有左右對稱的性質。 利用超音波風速計量測乾燥室內各點風速所得之風場分佈圖可知,在熱氣入口與長度5.7公尺之間的乾燥室空間內,風場分佈呈現順時鐘循環回流狀態。乾燥室底層風速最大,中層及頂層的風速則小於1m/s。 乾燥溫度與入風口進氣量會影響乾燥效率但不顯著(顯著水準5%);而乾燥時間對乾燥效率則有極顯著的影響(顯著水準1%)。衡量乾燥效率、能源消耗及牧草長期安全儲藏條件等觀點,較佳的乾燥條件爲設定乾燥溫度130~135℃,風量72 m^(3)/min,牧草乾燥時間15分鐘(輸送帶速率1.68m/min)。


牧草 乾燥機 風場 效率


The objectives of this study were to build and test a full-scale hay dryer for future operating and improving guidance. The air temperature distribution in the dryer is at steady state at fixed drying conditions. The maps of isotherm reveal the influence of decreasing the amount of heated air on the uniform temperature distribution at bottom layer of the dryer and drying effect at wet grass inlet. But decreasing the amount of heated air has no influence on the average temperature at each layer in the dryer. At low conveyor speed, the major drying effect will concentrate on upper conveyor, and the bottom and middle layer temperature distribution will be uniform. The temperature distribution is symmetric in the dryer. The airflow measured by ultrasonic anemometer illustrates a clockwise airflow at the location 5.7m away from hot air inlet. The air velocities were found higher at bottom layer, and less than 1m/s at middle and top layers of the dryer. The inlet air temperature and volume have influence on drying efficiency but the effects were found statistically insignificant at 5% level. The effect of drying time on drying efficiency is significant. By considering drying efficiency, fuel consumption, and safe storage of hay, the best drying conditions are: drying temperature 130~135℃, inlet air volume 72m^3/min, and drying time 15 minutes.


Hay Dryer Airflow Efficiency
