  • 期刊


Modified Endoscopic Lothrop Procedure as a Treatment for Recurrent Inverted Papilloma of the Frontal Sinus


臨床上倒生性乳突瘤外觀極易與鼻息肉混淆,但兩者的治療方式截然不同。因誤診為鼻息肉而未完全切除的倒生性乳突瘤容易在源發處附近再發,復發腫瘤往往更具侵襲性,以往治療源發於額竇的倒生性乳突瘤常以外部切開手術為主,近年來隨著鼻竇內視鏡手術方式的發展及導航儀器的運用,改良式內視鏡Lothrop手術再度受到重視。本文提出的兩個病例都是初次診斷為鼻息肉,接受功能性內視鏡鼻竇手術後,仍反覆再發;在本院藉由改良式內視鏡Lothrop手術切除源發於額竇的倒生性乳突瘤,病人追蹤至今,無乳突瘤再發。(台耳醫誌 2012; 47:75-80)


The gross appearance of inverted papilloma is easily confused with that of nasal polyps. And the treatment modality of the former is entirely different from that of the latter. Incomplete resection of inverted papilloma may cause tumor recurrence at the site of origin with more aggressive tumor behavior so that external surgical approach is necessary in the past for those originating from the frontal sinus. With the development of endoscopic sinus surgery and the utilization of navigation equipment, the modified endoscopic Lothrop procedure (MELP) has been paid attention to again in recent years. In this study, we report two patients with recurrent inverted papilloma originating from the frontal sinus. They were misdiagnosed as nasal polyps initially, and received endoscopic sinus surgery with incomplete resection resulting in repeated tumor recurrence. We performed MELP on both patients and there was no tumor recurrence during the follow-up period. (J Taiwan Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 47:75-80)
