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Intraocular Pressure Measurements by Goldmann Applanation Tonometer after Photorefractive Keratectomy and Laser in Situ Keratomileusis



目的:利用Goldmann眼壓計,比較PRK與LASIK術前及術後眼壓的變化,並與其他角膜變數比較。 方法:本前瞻性研究,收集17位病人31眼接受PRK手術和17位病人33眼接受LASIK手術。利用Goldmann眼壓計,測量PRK與LASIK術前及術後三個月的眼壓,並測量術前及術後的球面等值度數、中心角膜厚度與角膜弧度。 結果:PRK組眼壓的低估為3.23±1.89mmHg,而LASIK組眼壓的低估為3.71±2.2mmHg。兩組眼壓的改變與球面等值度數、中心角膜厚度或角膜弧度沒有呈線性相關。LASIK組較PRK組的球面等值度數與中心角膜厚度有更顯著的改變,但眼壓的改變和角膜弧度的改變,兩組沒有統計上的意義。 結論:利用Goldmann眼壓計測量術後眼壓,兩組有顯著低估的現象。因此術後眼壓應仔細評估,特別是有青光眼家族史、疑似青光眼及高眼壓症的患者,術後眼壓的追蹤尤其重要。




Objective: To compare intraocular pressure (IOP) measurements by the Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) before and after PRK and LASIK with other corneal parameters. Methods: In this prospective study, 31 eyes of 17 patients who underwent PRK and 33 eyes of 17 patients who underwent LASIK were included. Intraocular pressures were measured by GAT before surgery and three months after surgery. The spherical equivalent, central corneal thickness (CCT) and corneal curvature were also measured preoperatively and postoperatively. Results: Postoperative IOP measurements by GAT showed significant underestimation of 3.23±1.89 mmHg for the PRK group and 3.71±2.2 mmHg for the LASIK group. The change in lop showed no correlation with the change of spherical equivalent, corneal curvature or central corneal thickness in both groups. LASIK group showed significantly higher change in spherical equivalent and corneal thickness than PRK group. There was no difference statistically between the change of IOP by GAT and the corneal curvature in both groups. Conclusion: Both groups showed significant underestimation of IOP by GAT. Postoperative IOP should be monitored carefully, especially for patients with a family history of glaucoma, glaucoma suspect and ocular hypertension.
