  • 期刊


Chang Tai-yan's Idea of Nation: The Emergence of the Liberal Nationalist Paradigm in Modern China




By using Chang Tai-yan as a case, this study focuses on the origins of the modern Chinese nationalism and its influences in the late Ch'ing period. Three arguments are presented in this article. First of all, often single-mindedly labelled as a primary ideologue for the anti-Manchu movement, Chang Tai-yan is no less a liberal in the 1911 Revolution. In fact, he is one of the pionners in introducing to China the nineteenth-century liberalism and successfully in integrating it with nationalism for the Revolution. Secondly, this study tries to distinguish the modern Chinese nationalism from the traditional racist theory. Despite the conservative outlook of his nationalism derived from the instrumentalization of anti-Manchuism, Chang does not accept the genetic argument and the Chinese-barbarian dichotomy in the traditional theory. Instead, Chang lays the foundation of his nationalist theory on modern liberal paradigm which has more concern on the origins of individuality and its relationship with human society. Thirdly, this study also pays attention to the indegenization process of liberalism in modern China. Solidly trained as an old Text scholar in his youth, Chang provides an autonomous space for the development of modern liberalism in China by stressing the asocietal attitude and text reading practice in the Han learning tradition. Meanwhile, Chang's liberal approach also opens up a new direction for Confucianism for the twentieth-century China.
