  • 期刊


The Identification, Consensus Mobilization and Communication Strategy in Social Movement



2002年11月23日發生的「1123與農共生」農民運動,聚集12萬農漁民到台北進行大規模遊行抗爭,反對政府採取「信用部分級管制」措施,讓農漁會無法生存,本次農民運動可說是歷年來規模最大,不但迫使當時的財政部長李庸三、農委會主任委員范振宗下台,行政院長游錫堃在運動過程中也三度請辭。 本研究試圖從文化脈絡來檢視傳播過程,亦即不將傳播視為獨立的運作機制,而是和文化情境、公共領域緊密互動地進行著,所有傳播過程,也就是文化整體(holistic)形塑的過程。本文嘗試透過社會運動的個案觀察,採用參與觀察、深入訪談方式,直接進入傳播發生現場,觀察進行狀況及其回饋,從實際中探索傳播的進行狀況,尤其是特定文化间的關係,以發掘認同、共識動員與傳播的動態關聯。 本文結論指出:成功的傳播策略,透過媒體建構議題,將爭議點誰升至公共領域層次論辯,足以影響政府公共政策的決策。例如,運動組織者「全國農漁會自救會」在媒體刊登一則陳水扁也拿了農會獎學金、暗指總統不懂得「吃果子拜樹頭」的道理之廣告,讓總統及黨政官員頻頻「滅火」,沒幾天,說「政策急轉彎」,宣布暫緩實施信用部分級管制措施。研究者在探討公共領域議題建構時,發現政府「政策急轉彎」,與當時的「意見氣候」相當強勢有關聯。從這個觀點分析,印證此一社會運動組織者,運用強勢的傳播策略,確實能夠喚醒認同,並激發社會運動發展過程中共識動員的能力,進一步採取集體行動。 本研究從社會運動過程中認同、共識動員與傳播策略的關聯性,作全面性探索,印證認同、共識動員與傳播策略運用得當與否有關聯。


The Farmers Movement took place on Nov. 23, 2002, known as ”1123 Coexist with Farming” had gathered 120,000 farmers and fishermen to a parade and rally in Taipei to protest the ”Classified Control of Credit Departments of Farmer Associations” proposed by the government, which is alleged to fend off the survival of farmers and fishermen associations. This Farmers Movement was largest in scale ever and had not only to force the resignations of Mr: LEE, Yung-San, Minister of Finance and FAN, Cheng-Tsung, Minister of Council of Agriculture, the Prime Minister, YU, Si-Kun had also submitted resignation for 3 times during the course of the Movement. In this research, we tried to review the process of communication in the context of culture, i.e. we take communication not as an independent operation mechanism, but is interacting with cultural scenario, public domain closely and all process of communication is itself a holistic shaping process. We tried to observe the ongoing and the feedback through case study, in the manner of participating observation, in-depth interview and direct site involvement of communication. We tried to search the ongoing situation of communication, particularly the relationship with specific culture, so to uncover the dynamic association among identification, consensus mobilization and communication. The conclusion of this research indicated that a successful communication strategy is Building Issues through Media, Elevating the points of disputes to the argument of public domain level to be sufficiently for influencing the decision making in public policy. For example, the organizers ”National Farmers and Fishermen Associations” put an advertisement on newspaper alleging that President Chen Shui-Bian had received scholarship from Farmers Association. It indicated tacitly that the President failed to be grateful. It led the President and officials of ruling party and the government busy in puffing off fire. Within few days, the policy detoured rapidly and announced the suspension of Classified Control of Credit Department of Farmers Association. The researchers had found in the building of issues in public domain, the rapid change of government policy is related to the substantial strength of Opinion Climate. Viewing from this angle, it proved that the strong communication strategy employed by organizers of the social movement did awaken identification and stimulated the consensus mobilization capacity in the development process of the social movement and formed a collective action. In this research, we made full scale research, verified the identification and consensus mobilization is linked with proper employment of communication strategy.


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