  • 期刊


Identification for Physiological Races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae and Screening of Lettuce Cultivars Resistant to Fusarium Wilt


利用Patriot、Costa Rica No. 4及Banchu Red Fire等三種萵苣指標品種鑑別台灣採集之11個萵苣萎凋病菌菌株的生理小種,結果依照指標品種的抗感病性反應,可將LFO 11-13等8個菌株歸爲生理小種一號(race 1);至於其餘三菌株LFO 31-14、LFO 106-1及LFO 106-3則歸爲另一個新生理小種。然而,根據日本及義大利等學者所採用之萵苣萎凋病菌race 1的專一引子對進行分子檢測,卻無法將這11個台灣菌株區分開。此外,測試30個品種的萵苣對於萵苣萎凋病的抗感病性反應,結果發現嫩莖萵苣(青竹筍及自竹筍品種)、包心妹萵苣及大陸妹萵苣屬於抗病品種(罹病度爲0-20%),而圓葉、劍葉、紅尖葉萵苣(Indian lettuce)等則屬於極感病品種(羅病度爲80-100%)。


Fusarium wilt of lettuce, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, is a serious soil-borne disease, especially when the crop is grown under monoculture. It is one of the limiting factors for commercial production of lettuce during summer season in Taiwan. Diseased plants showed symptoms of leaf yellowing and wilting, plant stunting and death. In this study, three indicator cultivars of lettuce, Costa Rica No. 4, Banchu Red Fire, and Patriot, were used to identify 11 isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae collected from various locations in Taiwan for physiological races. Results showed that eight of the 11 isolates were categorized as race 1, and the other three isolates, LFO 32-14, LFO 106-1, LFO 106-3, were designated as a new race. However, it was unable to differentiate the 11 isolates of F. xoysporum f. sp. Sirius or from Taiwan using the previously reported molecular markers. Susceptibility of thirty lettuce cultivars to Fusarium wilt was determined. Among the 30 cultivars of lettuce tested for resistance to F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae isolates LFO 11-13 and LFO 32-14, two asparagus lettuce cv. Cing-Jhu-Suts and cv. Bai-Jhu Sun, one head lettuce cv. Bao Sin-Mei, and one crisp head lettuce cv. Da-Lu Mei were resistant with the disease severity between 0-20%. However, round-leaf lettuce, pointed-leaf lettuce and Indian lettuce, etc., were highly susceptible with the disease severity between 80-100%.


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