  • 期刊


Bacterial Stalk Rot of Sorghum Occurred in Kimmen Area Caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi


民國九十六年於金門地區栽植之高粱上發生嚴重植株萎凋死亡的問題。病株首先於莖部出現淡褐色不規則斑,隨著病斑擴大,顏色加深爲深紅褐色,病勢迅速進展,有時可見數片葉片乾枯,嚴重時整個植株乾枯萎凋。罹病莖部組織呈軟腐狀,縱切莖部其內部組織呈水浸狀褐化的病徵,罹病組織分離所得之病原細菌經柯霍氏法則、生理生化及專一引子Ec3F/4R增幅鑑定結果爲軟腐病菌Pectobacterium(原屬於Erwinia)chrysanthemi(Ech),屬biovar 3。以培養基抑制圈測試供試11種藥劑在一般推薦濃度下對該病原菌之生長均有抑制效果,其中又以歐索林酸及四環黴素抑制效果最顯著。


Bacterial stalk rot was found to cause severe loss of sorghum crop in Kimmen county, in the summer of 2007. The disease mainly affected sorghum stem showing water-soaked symptoms that later turned reddish (lark brown color. The infected stem pith disintegrated and showed slimy soft-rot symptoms and eventually the whole plant wilted. Strains of bacterium have been consistently isolated from disease tissuess. Based on physiological, biochemical and pathogenicity tests and polymerase chain reaction, the causal agent of this disease was identified as Erwinia chrysanthemi biovar 3. In nitro screening for the efficacy of different agrochemicals to inhibit the growth of the bacterium showed that copper bactericides, antibiotics and oxolinic acid were effective. Among them, oxylinic acid was the most effective.
