

百合灰黴病菌[Botrytis elliptica (Berk.) Cooke]爲壞疽型植物病原真菌,感染百合葉片,引起壞疽病斑,病斑上可見灰黴病菌之生長菌絲;以灰黴病菌接種葵百合葉片,被感染部位出現褐化斑點,於顯微鏡下可見侵入點周圍細胞有褐化現象,並累積過氧化氫。生體外試驗指出,過氧化氫濃度高達0.7mM時,對灰黴病菌孢子發芽仍無明顯抑制作用;過氧化氫濃度不超過0.9mM時,不會抑制菌絲生長,甚至有助於菌絲的生長。以添加過氧化氫之灰黴病菌孢子懸浮液接種於葵百合葉片時,可增加發病嚴重度;反之,以diphenylene iodonium預先處理百合葉片,可抑制過氧化氫的累積,並降低發病嚴重度,顯示過氧化氫爲灰黴病菌侵染百合之促進因子。此外,本研究突破厚質葉片之組織透化瓶頸,得以觀察葵百合葉片之過氧化氫累積情形。


過氧化氫 灰黴病菌 百合


Botrytis elliptica (Berk.) Cooke. a pathogenic fungus of necrotropltic type. causes necrotic lesions or lily leaves and in able to grow on necrotic lesions. When the leases of Oriental lily cv. Star Gazer were inoculated with B. elliptica, brown spots were observed at the inoculation sites and brown cells appeared around the infection sites. Although hydrogen peroxide accumulated in lily leases after B. elliptica infection, it did not retard the fnngal growth, in vitro assays showed that hydrogen peroxide did not inhibit spore germination at a concentration of 0.7 mM or less and it did not inhibit mycelial growth at a concentration helms 0.9 mM: moreover, enhancement of mycelial growth was observed, In addition, when hydrogen peroxide was added in the inoculation fluid of B. elliptic a. symptom became severer than when inoculation seas done singly with B. ellipsica. Pretreatment of diphenylene iodonium inhibited accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and reduced the disease severity. indicating the role of hydrogen peroxide as an enhancing factor for B. dlliptica infection, lit this study. a difficulty of clearing the thick leaves had been resolved to examine the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in the leaves of lily cv. Star Gazer.


hydrogen peroxide Botrytis elliptica lily
