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Surface Rupture and Ground Deformation Associated with the Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake




The 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake is the largest known onshore thrust-faulting event that has occurred in the 20th century. It provides an excellent opportunity to characterize the surface rupture and ground deformation associated with thrust faulting. The surface faulting along the Chelungpu fault produced by the earthquake extends north-south about 96 km, and has a maximum horizontal slip of about 10 m and a maximum scarp height about 8 m. Ground deformation occurred predominant on the hangingwall, ranged in width from several meters to several tens of meter. In a few cases, the deformation zone was several hundred meters wide, and it was even wider in Tsuolan area. In the deformation zone, there are secondary faults, branch faults, open cracks and/or tilted ground, which damaged existing buildings and structures.Along the length of the Chelungpu fault rupture, hangingwall deformation may be classified into 9 different styles. This includes: (1) Simple thrusting, (2) Monoclinal folding, (3) Simple warping, (4) Thrusting and warping, (5) Thrusting, warping and graben formation, (6) Warping and normal faulting, (7) Thrusting and back-kinking, (8) Thrusting and backthrusting, and (9) Thrusting with multiple zones of open crack. Simple thrusting and monoclinal folding generally represent narrower deformation; whereas more complex zones of deformation tend to be wider.Fault rupture is the direct reason to cause serious damage to engineering structures; the deformation zone away from fault tip is not so critical to common buildings and structures. One method of mitigating hazard from earthquake surface rupture, currently being used in California, is to develop setback zones along fault traces in order to restrict the location of structures for human occupancy across the trace of an active fault. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, the Taiwan Government is also developing a similar rule. However, for complicated faulting like the Chelungpu, it is not easy to draw a simple setback zone to avoid all possible damage from the next earthquake. However, the most important point for a common building or structure is to avoid it from across fault crush zone. But, for a critical facility, like a nuclear power plant or a high dam, sitting and construction on the hangingwall deformation zone should be avoided.


鍾春富(2007)。逆斷層錯動引致上覆土層變形行為及對 結構物影響之研究〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2007.01951
