  • 期刊


Definition and Analysis of Patients with Chronic Dialysis from the National Health Insurance Database




透析 腎病 健保 盛行率


Objectives: There are several different definitions of patients with chronic dialysis in Taiwan and abroad. The purpose of this study was to find a better definition of patients with chronic dialysis from the claimed data of National Health Insurance. Methods: The 1999 national health insurance inpatient and outpatient medical benefit claim databases were linked with the 1998 and 1999 death files for the purposes of analysis in this study. The different definitions of patients with chronic dialysis were listed as below: dialysis treatments over 10 times per month, receiving dialysis treatment or renal transplantation, dialysis continuously over 4 months, dialysis continuously over 3 months, dialysis continuously for 3 months and over 4 times dialysis treatments per month, dialysis continuously for 3 months and over 8 times dialysis treatments per month, dialysis continuously for 3 months and over 10 times dialysis treatments per month. We used the contingency table method to compare different definitions. The prevalence and incidence rates of chronic dialysis were also described. Results: The best definition of patients with chronic dialysis was dialysis was a continuous 4 month or continuous 3 months span of time with over 4 times dialysis treatments per month. According to this defintion, the prevalence rate of chronic dialysis in 1999 was 13.0 per 10,000 population, and the incidence rate was 3.4 per 10,000 population. The distribution for prevalence and incidence by sex showed that females have a higher rate of dialysis treatment. Incidence and prevalence rates tended to increase with age, but the prevalence rate fell for the oldest age group. The largest group of prevalent patients fell between the ages of 65 to 74 years. Conclusion: We suggest that future studies related to dialysis studies could adopt the definition of receiving dialysis continuously for 4 months or continuously for 3 months at over 4 times per month from the claimed data of National Health Insurance.


dialysis renal disease health insurance prevalence


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