

單發性纖維瘤為一多數常起源於臟層肋膜之腫瘤。但是它可以發生於肺部、縱膈、腹腔、心包膜、卵巢及肝臟。而肺內單發性纖維瘤至今極為罕見,所以關於其臨床表現所知有限。 我們報告一位56歲女性左下肺單發性纖維瘤之個案胸部X光影像顯示有一左下肺腫瘤。作完胸腔鏡切除後,追蹤一年後並無發現復發或遠處轉移。 就我們所知,單發性纖維瘤應列入邊緣明確的肺實質腫瘤之鑑別診斷。完整的外科切除具有診斷及治療之價值,由於潛在的復發可能性,需要須長時間追蹤。




Solitary fibrous tumors (SFTs) are neoplasms that usually arise from the pleura, especially the visceral pleura. SFTs can also develop in the lung, mediastinum, abdominal cavity, pericardium, ovary and liver. Intrapulmonary SFTs are extremely rare and little is known about the clinical behavior of this kind of tumor. We report a 56-year-old woman with an intrapulmonary SFT presenting as a left lower lung mass lesion on chest radiographs. Thoracoscopic excision was performed and no recurrence or distant metastasis was noted within 1 year of follow-up. Intrapulmonary fibrous tumors should be considered in the differential diagnosis list of well-defined solitary pulmonary parenchymal tumors. Complete surgical resection has both diagnostic and therapeutic value. Long-term follow-up is needed due to the recurrence potential.


solitary fibrous tumor


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