  • 期刊


A Study of Anaerobic Running Capacity and Maximal Instantaneous Velocity by Velocity-Endurance Model


本研究利用三參數的速度耐力數學模式,測量跑步運動的無氧跑步能力(anaerobic running capacity,簡稱ARC)與最大瞬間速度(maximal instantaneous velocity,簡稱Vmax),並且進一步探討跑步ARC、Vmax與垂直跳測驗、短距離(50m、100m與200m)最大努力跑步測驗、Margaria-Kalamen動力測驗、Wingate動力測驗以及最大累積缺氧(maximal accumulated oxygen deficit,簡稱MAOD)的相關情形,以便確認跑步ARC與Vmax評量跑無氧運動能力的效度。受試對象為20位經常跑步之大專男生,年齡20.10±1.41歲、身高173.95±5.88公分、體重68.10±6.22公斤,依據平衡次序的方式進行各項無氧運動能力測驗。結果發現,ARC及Vmax平均為579.03±43.44m與8.21±0.29m/sec;除了ARC與50m平均速度及Wingate動力測驗未達顯著相關外,ARC和Vmax與各無氧能力測驗結果皆達顯著相關。MAOD測驗與ARC的相關性較高,而垂直跳、Margaria-Kalamen動力測驗以及Wingate動力測驗與Vmax的相關性較高。研究結果顯示,速度耐力模式所推算出之ARC及Vmax皆可有效評量無氧運動能力,ARC代表人體在短時間內的最大跑步作功能力,Vmax代表人體在短時間內產生最大跑步負荷(或速度)的能力。


This research utilized the velocity-endurance model using three parameters to measure anaerobic running capacity (ARC) and maximal instantaneous velocity (Vmax) in running test, Margaria-Kalamen power test, Wingate power test and maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) test were determined to confirm the validity of ARC and Vmax. Twenty male runners volunteered in this study. The results were: 1 )except for the ARC with the average velocity of 50m running and Wingate power test, the ARC (579.03±43.44m) AND Vmax (8.21±0.29m/sec) with all the anaerobic power tests were significantly correlated. 2)the correlation was higher between the ARC with the MAOD test than other test, and the correlation coefficient were higher between the Vmax with vertical jump test, Margaria-Kalamen power test and Wingate power test.


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