  • 期刊

現代男子強勢網球(Power Tennis)之研究-深度訪談的質化探討

A qualitative study on modern man Power Tennis


本研究的主要目的是探討現代男子弦勢網球(Power Tennis)之結構內容。以深度訪談(depth-interview)的方式,歷時八個月的時問,訪談國內頂尖選手一人、教練二人、球評二人、資深記者二人、廠商二人,共計九人,藉由他們的親身經歷、經驗及感受,多角度的將網球的 Power Game 內容與輪廓描述出來。訪談過程全部錄音,並謄成逐字稿,以紮根理論(grounded theory)的研究方法為基礎,進行文字資料的分析工作。 究結果發現強勢網球的展現是選手在場上今人激賞、震撼、聰慧以及霸氣的表現,也就是讓對手和場外的觀眾直接看到和感受到的強勢作風,包含選手個人內在與外在所具備的能力與條件,其內容包括:個人技術、個人心智、個人心理認知調適以及身體條件等四個向度。本研究結果將現今強勢網球的表現加以描述出來,可提供現役選手及教練作為訓練及比賽之參考。


This research explores the structure and content of modern Man Power Tennis. This research was conducted over an eight-month period using depth-interview methodology. The interviewees included one top active player, two coaches, two tennis commentators, two senior tennis reporters, and two business sponsors. Through interviewees’ personal experiences and/or their long-time observation of tennis matches, the researcher is able to construct a multi-faceted framework of Power Tennis. Having employed the “grounded theory” method as the basis for this study, the entire interview process was recorded and transcribed verbatim to enable analysis of the qualitative data. The major finding of this project is that Power Tennis is achieved through player’s intelligent, powerful, dominant, and aggressive style on the court. The essence of such a sensational playing style is a combination of individual technique, individual mentality, cognitive intervention and physical fitness. This research offers a clear picture of Power Tennis to those who are interested in coaching and playing Power Tennis.


The Official Web Site of the ATP
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張凱隆(2007)。頂尖職業選手發球優勢探討 - 以2007年四大公開賽男女單打比賽為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-2910200810535671
