  • 期刊


Application of the Transtheoretical Model in the Analysis of the Task for Smoking Cessation in Workplace




職場 跨理論模式 吸菸行為 戒菸


Smoking has resulted in huge health and economic loss in workplace. Great effort should be made to assist employees for smoking cessation and to reduce the smoking prevalence rate. The aim of our study was to analyze the smoking behavior of workers using the Transtheoretical Model. From the model, the difficulties of smoking cessation in workplace were discussed and the practical strategies were proposed as well.One thousand, eight hundred and seventy-two smokers in the factories in central Taiwan were recruited for this survey. Questionnaires of the Transtheoretical Model were used in this study. According to their intention to smoking cessation, the smokers were divided into three ”stages of change”, which were the precontemplation stage, the contemplation stage and the preparation stage. The Statistics Package for Social Science software (SPSS Statistics 12.0) was used for data management and statistical analysis. The differences in the smoking attitude and the process of change among the three stages of change of the smokers were analyzed by using the ANOVA and the Scheffe's method.The number of the smokers in the three stages was 1,345 (precontemplation stage), 364(contemplation stage) and 163(preparation stage), respectively. The ones who had no intention to quit smoking (precontemplation stage) were with lower educational level and higher smoking frequency during the workdays. The results of decision making analysis showed that the smokers in the precontemplation and the contemplation stage considered more benefits or advantages to adopt smoking. In self-efficacy analysis, smokers in the precontemplation and the contemplation stage also showed higher tendency to smoke in the three situational temptations. And there were significant differences in the process of change of smoking cessation among the three stages of smokers.According to the analyses of the Transtheoretical Model, the needs of smoking cessation of the smokers in three stages differed significantly. It showed that the approaches for smoking cessation should be tailored, hierarchy, multi-channeled and long term followed-up. However, comprehensive approaches may face great difficulties in the workplace with tight operation schedule. As most smokers were in precontemplation stage, it is suggested that the stressors and difficulties of smokers should be consulted first and then offer professionals' assistance on the basis of thoroughly caring the smokers' requests. Under the pressure of the recently revised regulations of workers' health care and the great loss attributed by smoking, more effort should be made to prevent health risks and potential disasters in the workplace.


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