

鼻骨骨折術後之鼻部畸形並不少見,受傷後鼻部軟組織腫脹會掩蓋變形的程度並延遲接受手術的時間,術中客觀的評估方法為獲得良好結果的重要關鍵。我們使用術中移動式x光機輔助正確的矯正鼻骨骨折。 從2000年11月至2004年10月,共有53病患接受術中移動式x光機輔助矯正鼻骨骨折。獨立的醫生藉由術後病患之相片及x光片評估手術的結果。24位病患於鼻部軟組織仍腫脹時接受手術,多數的病患在術後的追蹤中可見精確的鼻骨骨折復位及良好的鼻部外觀。 以移動式x光機輔助之術式可達到早期及正確的矯正鼻骨骨折,並可縮短鼻骨骨折復位的學習時間。藉由此一方法的應用,鼻骨骨折可精確的矯正並減少續發性鼻部畸形。




Secondary nasal deformity after closed reduction of nasal fracture is not uncommon. Post-traumatic nasal swelling may mask true deformity and delay the definite treatment. Objective assessment of reduction during the operation is the key to ensure the good result. Intraoperative fluoroscan is applied in our series to assist the correction of nasal fracture. Between November 2000 and October 2004, 53 patients with nasal fractures receiving closed reduction under fluoroscopy were reviewed retrospectively. The results were evaluated by an independent surgeon both photos and post-operative radiography. 36 patients received the surgery within one week of injury, while the noses were swollen. Most patients had appropriate bony alignment from the x ray and good nasal appearance from the photography. Intraoperative Fluoroscan for reduction of nasal fracture allows early treatment and adequate reduction. The learning curve of nasal bone reduction can also be shortened. With the application of intraoperative fluoroscan, nasal fracture is able to be corrected precisely, and subsequently decreasing the incidence of secondary nasal deformity.


nasal bone fracture fluoroscan
